Saturday, October 4, 2014

Annalise at 4ish months

Another tea party!

Wren now his very own 15 cent MCC tea cup!!

Annalise is 4 months

Annalise, you continue to be a happy little girl. You still nap 4 times a day usually around an hour each. Sometimes I still have to go in and wake you up to feed you. I am able to lay you down in your crib and give you your soother and you usually fall asleep on your own. I very rarely rock you to sleep. Lately you like to grab a hold of your soother and yank it out, then you cry. Sometimes I have to wrap you up in an extra blanket just to keep your hands down! You usually are awake for 1 ½ hours between naps. You still eat every 2 ½ - 3 hours and you eat well. I know when you are done because you usually look up at me with big smiles and I can’t get to you eat anymore after that. Although once you wake up from your nap if I am the one holding you, you are very impatient to eat and you let me know! Nights are decent. You usually eat 2 times. There was about 1 week this month that you ate 1 time and I felt so rested in the morning! You have started waking up just wanting your soother, which makes my nights long! I can’t wait until you can put yourself back to sleep. There were a few really rough nights! Some of your new skills are grabbing, talking/squealing loudly, giggling a bit, and rolling onto your side from your back. Your favourite activities are: watching mommy and Wren eat while sitting in your bouncy chair, laying on your back, listening to singing (especially the “Wheels on the Bus”), watching Wren play, standing and reading books. You aren’t as excited to play in your play gym anymore, you tolerate the exersaucer and you have stopped rolling from tummy to back. During tummy time you put your hands to the side and balance on your tummy, and don’t really enjoy doing this. Some big events this month were harvest, going to the children’s museum (twice), a visit from Sawyer, Cooper and Auntie Nikki, G G Penner’s 80th birthday, and colder weather. At your 4 month check up you weighed 14lbs and were 23 3/4 “ long. It doesn’t look like you are losing much more hair!